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GOP Cancels Florida Debate Because of Fear of Violence

Maxine Waters recently called for her followers to harass and do violence to Republicans. "Let them know that they are not welcome anywhere." she said.

In a move that mimics the political strong arming of many past dictators Maxine Waters and the Democratic party seek the silence their political opponents through force and violence.

It is having an effect. Recently Sarah Huckabee Sanders was thrown out of a restaurant, and other Trump supporters have been attacked. Democrats are not backing down on their violent stance. Maxine Waters recently appeared on MSNBC where she unapologetically said that they need to turn up the intensity.

So now Florida GOP is cancelling its televised debate for fear of violent backlash. The Democrats will be allowed to have their televised debate of course. This will put Republicans at a huge disadvantage in the coming governor's race if they allow themselves to be silenced. It is imperative that Republicans be given a platform to speak. This kind of strong arming of the public platform where political opponents are silenced through violence is reminiscent of police state tactics used by dictators, not the exercise of free speech that should be happening in America. Where there need to be protests is at the Democrat debates. They should not get a free pass to force their message down the throats of the public while silencing Republicans. This is unacceptable. Further more Maxine Waters should be impeached for calling for this behavior. Inciting violence qualifies as a crime and should not be allowed to go on.

source: Ft. Lauderdale Sun Sentinel

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