Maybe you have heard about the fire that happened in the GOP office in Wyoming that is probably caused by arson. Maybe you haven't. It seems that often when the news makes Democrats look bad the news barely covers those stories if they cover them at all.
We are in a dangerous time in America. Big social media tech giants and search engines are censoring conservatives and Left wing lunatics are becoming more and more violent. The Lamestream fake news media is exercising radio silence about important news that the country needs to hear about just because it makes the left look bad. This is why I started in the first place. I got tired of finding out about things weeks or even months after they were relevant news. I got tired of the obvious cover ups like the terrorist training compound that was discovered in New Mexico recently that was then covered up by our government.
The fake news media do not practice journalism any more, and even though I am not a journalist by trade I felt a need to do something. So I talk about the stories that they refuse to when I learn about them. Most troubling recently are the barrage of attacks and threats against GOP candidates and conservative journalists. The left is trying to intimidate anyone that disagrees with them and threatening to murder them if they refuse to back down. We have groups like Antifa and the Democratic Socialist of America (DSA) openly calling for violence and saying that they want to start a civil war.
Conservatives are being attacked and threatened all over the country right now and the news is refusing to cover this story. The man in the picture above attempted to murder a congressional candidate with a knife and this story was barely covered on local news when it happened. This is a matter of major importance. We cannot allow insane dangerous people to get away with this kind of behavior yet here we are. This is what our country has come to.
Police have opened up an investigation about a man that recently threatened Cassandra Fairbanks on twitter.
"I am coming with a gun and i expect to get numerous bloodstained MAGA hats as trophies," the Twitter account wrote to right-wing pundit Cassandra Fairbanks.
Yet twitter and other social media never censor these people, call them out for threatening violence, and the news barely covers these stories even though lives may be put in danger by their lack of coverage. This wack job just threatened to shoot up a MAGA event where the duly elected President will be in attendance. Essentially he is threatening to shoot the President which is a crime. Why isn't the news talking about this?
Conservative columnist Denise McCallister has gone into hiding after receiving threats that she would be raped and murdered for making antiabortion statement of Fox last week.
“At the root of [abortion] hysteria is women’s unhinged desire for irresponsible sex. Sex is their god. Abortion is their sacrament,” McAllister tweeted. “It’s abhorrent as women have flung themselves from the heights of being the world’s civilizing force to the muck and mire of dehumanizing depravity.”
As if to prove McAllister’s point about depravity, abortion activists jumped on her case, calling her everything from crazy to misogynist to a supporter of “The Handmaid’s Tale.”
But the real danger came from elsewhere. McAllister told PJ Media that she received death and rape threats, over multiple forms of private communication.
“They are threats outside of Twitter, stating they know where I live,” McAllister said. “Threats of rape and strangling. I spoke to the police. I am on home watch.”
“My children are very frightened,” she added.