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Democrat Representative Kim Daniels Thanked God For Slavery.

Writer's picture: CapitalismizawesomeCapitalismizawesome

Kim Daniels has recieved much criticized for her religious statements.

In a recent video, Daniels declares:

"I thank God for slavery… If it wasn’t for slavery, I might be somewhere in Africa worshipping a tree."

Representative Daniels was the sponsor of a bill which recently passed in Florida to put the words "In God We Trust" on display in every school. It is a move much criticized by tin foil hat wearing liberal extremists who are making insane claims that she is trying to turn Florida into a theocracy.

During her closing speech on the “In God We Trust” bill, Rep. Daniels referred to the recent shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. She said that God is the “light” and “our schools need light in them like never before.”

She added that gun issues need to be addressed, but the “real thing that needs to be addressed are issues of the heart.”

Rep. Kim Daniels ministering at Crusaders Church

Rep. Daniels has often been targeted by intolerant anti-Christian bigots during her career. One of the main criticisms levied against her is a criticism of her work as a minister at Crusaders Church in Florida, where she has preached about demons and speaking in tongues.

Indeed Rep. Daniels has been very open about her opinion that many of the problems that face our school system today are directly related to the removal of God from schools, but that is a far different thing than wanting to turn the country into a "theocracy", as her anti-Christian bigot opponents insanely claim.

A few words on the wall are not going to suddenly put a Christian priesthood in charge of everything. Not to mention the total intolerance to Rep. Daniels constitutionally guaranteed religious rights. So what if you do not believe the same thing that she does. That is her right the same as it is yours.

Rep. Daniels is much criticized for this statement.

People who criticize Rep. Daniels for saying this are ignoring some realities which she is recognizing. She is not endorsing slavery. She is not giving her stamp of approval for the horrors and brutality of that terrible practice. What she is doing is displaying gratitude for the circumstances that placed her in this country, where she is grateful to live. She is grateful that she is free to practice the religion of her choice, that she has been blessed with many opportunities in life none of which would have been given to her had she been born in the country of her ancestors.

If Rep. Daniels had been a red headed woman of Irish decent and said I thank God that the potato famine happened causing my ancestors to decide to move to America then I doubt that anyone would have criticized her for it. She is right about this. It is good to live in America, and while bad things happened in history it is healthy to realize that sometimes circumstances work out better because of them.

Think about it. Look at the situation in Africa. Many of the nations there are war torn, chaotic, hell holes. Many of the nations there suffer from abject poverty where they are ruled by petty cruel dictators. Many of the countries there are majority Muslim nations that are actively pursuing Christian genocide. In a country like that she would never have the opportunity to become a Christian minister or a state representative. So she is grateful for the circumstances that put her where she is and she gives credit to the God that she believes in for putting her there.

Patrick Henry said:

"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For that reason alone, people of other faiths have been afforded freedom of worship here."

He also said, "It is when people forget God that tyrants forge their chains."

This nation was built on Judaeo/Christian values. They did not found a theocracy. They rejected the restriction Britain put on anyone who was not a member of the Church of England. If you study the writings of the Founders of this nation you will not come up with secularism - you come up with tolerance. Something the left has discarded long ago in their insane agenda to strip everyone of their right to worship as they see fit. Many of the challenges and problems this country face are a direct result of rejecting our founding principles and turning to the failed alien ideology of Marxism imported from Europe, an ideology proven to create misery and poverty everywhere it has taken over.

And while I do not suggest for a moment that slavery was in itself good, the Atlantic slave trade had every reason to keep the captives alive for purely economic reasons. That is why there are blacks in America. It was a different story on the other side of Africa where Arabs were the masters. Because eunuchs were worth several times more than ordinary black males, those slaves were brutally castrated at the start of the cruel and deadly march from the interior to the coast. Less than 10% of the unfortunate souls purchased by Arabs that survived made it to some Arabian sheik's harem, and none of them had descendents that could stand up today and be thankful for being alive today. Once in Arab captivity, from Morocco to Iraq, those slaves, be they eunuchs or not, were only kept alive as long as they could work. When they ceased to be of use they were slaughtered. Also, when a slave master died, usually all the slaves that he owned were put to the sword. That is why there is no black community in the Arab states today as there is in America. When the slave trade was abolished and the British navy enforced that ban, slavery in the west itself was progressively abolished, finally ending in Brazil at the end of the 19th Century, but in islamic countries it continues to exist to this day.

If just one thing had been different. If Rep. Daniels ancestor had been purchased by an Arab instead of a Brit then she might not exist at all. If her ancestor had somehow evaded the slavers then she might be struggling in poverty in a war torn hell hole. So I think that it is just fine that she is grateful that circumstances have allowed her to be born here where the quality, and opportunities of her life have been blessed as they have. It is sad that more people do not look at things like Rep. Daniels does. Instead so many ignore the blessing and opportunities afforded to them by America an by God, and choose to cry and whine about every little thing. They choose to play poor little victim who is offended by everything.

God Bless you Rep. Daniels. I don't agree with everything that you stand for but I respect your right to worship God in any way that you choose.

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