This is Chuck Schumer's response to a Tweet from President Trump.

Republicans responded with consternation at the strange position that Democrats find themselves in defending the rights of illegal alien rapists, murderers, and MS-13 gang members to stay in the United States so that they can continue raping and murdering law abiding citizens.

President Trump weighed in saying that he never called immigrants "animals", but that he had only referred to members of MS-13, an international organized crime gang that originated in El Salvador, that has spread its influence across the US.

MS-13 activities have been tied to some of the worse crimes imaginable including murder, rape, violent crime, extortion, racketeering, child prostitution, drug trafficking, human trafficking, kidnapping, etc.
Yet Democrats continue to side with the illegal aliens, and specifically defend MS-13 members, that are here to attack law abiding citizens, because they feel like they have a right to be here. Maybe it is time to send a message to Democrats, by voting the rest of them out of office.
Officer Mark Dallas saves countless lives by stopping a school shooting in Illinois.