Nick Searcy had a great analogy when he guess starred on the Rush Limbaugh Show that I just had to share.
Nick Searcy had a great analogy on the Rush Limbaugh Show today that I just had to share. He compared the way Donald Trump handles his opposition to wrestling showmanship. Being a wrestling fan myself the topic struck a cord in me, and it made me laugh. Nick was able to play various sound bites from wrestling legends like Hulk Hogan and Nature Boy Rick Flair and compare them to sound bites of Donald Trump and I have to say that he was spot on.
Trump has built a larger than life persona that transcends personal feelings any might have for him. It doesn't matter if you love or hate him everyone is riveted on the greatest battle to rage in Washington for decades. The anticipation for the next huge battle is almost palpable, the battle royale, Election Mania 2018. Whatcha gonna do when Trump and all of his Trump O Maniacs go wild on you?
Before wrestling legends Hulk Hogan and Nature Boy Rick Flair arrived on the scene the wrestling world had a script very similar to the infuriating relationship between Republicans and Democrats. Republicans have much like the old heroes of wrestling have always tried to take the high road. They are supposed to be the good guys that always fight fair. They demonstrate their impeccable character, integrity, and honor. In wrestling the crowd loved the heroes and booed the villains.
Villains and Heroes
The villains like Democrats always fought dirty. They would always find some way to turn the match around using some sneaky strategy like hitting their opponent with a hidden weapon, using a steel chair, or having an accomplice on the sidelines interfere with the match.
In this relationship between the heroes and villains of wrestling, the heroes would continually get their butts kicks by the villains using all of these dirty tricks to cheat and win matches, but the heroes would never use those same dirty tricks to fight back. This would infuriate the crowd in much the same way that voters are infuriated with Republicans. People were getting tired of this predictable script and wrestling was losing its popularity.
Hulk Hogan at Summer Slam
People are sick and tired of Democrat's crap. This is stating the obvious. Every time a Republican candidate comes along that threatens their agenda Dems fight dirty. They create scandals, they cheat, they perpetuate witch hunt investigations, they do anything and everything they can to destroy their opponents reputations and Republicans just sit back and take it. But Trump like Hulk Hogan isn't taking their crap. If they want to fight dirty then they got a street brawl on their hands. He is willing to go toe to toe right there with them and fight just as nasty as they do.
They are crying about it. They aren't used to having a taste of their own medicine trust me on that, but the Trump O Maniac Deplorables are loving every minute of it. This is what many of us have been saying for years, no for decades. If you chumps would just fight back instead of giving up and resigning every time you get a little opposition then you could make mince meat out of these fools.
So now Trump is ripping off his shirt and putting some much needed smack down on some of the lying cheating dirty politicians and their accomplices in the media. This has been a long time coming. The question is will Republicans wake up the way the wrestling world woke up. Legends like Hulk Hogan and Rick Flair created a whole new dynamic that made wrestling bigger, more popular, and more profitable than it ever was before. You could say that they set the stage for the massive industry that wrestling is today.
If Republicans take a hint and learn from Trump instead of hanging on to their backwards misguided loser mentality it could usher in a new era for them. It is time to step out of the age of heroes that lose to villains fighting dirty, and into a new era of heroes that put some serious smack down on any fool that dares to break out a metaphorical steel chair. We have had enough. Don't take that crap any more. Taking the high road is not how you win. If they want a street brawl then give it to them. Do that and voters will go wild.
Stay Deplorable my friends
Trump O Maniacs will go wild on you
Nature Boy Trump, Wooo
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