The left are masters of false advertising. From the very beginning look at the names that they call themselves. The call themselves Progressives, and unless you have a really soupy definition of what progress means they are the opposite of champions of progress. At every turn the resist progress, they oppose prosperity with higher taxes, and they obstruct any plan to improve the quality of life for everyday Americans.
They call themselves Liberals, a term highjacked from Republicans by the way. The term Liberal used to be associated with the anti-slavery movement championed by Republicans, but somewhere along the way the left stole the term. Liberal has become a dirty word these days, but it used to mean that a person was a champion of liberty. It meant that a person was open to new ideas and believed in progress. The left is anything but that. They don't want to hear any new ideas, they are about as close minded as it gets. They are only interested in taxing, banning, restricting, obstructing, and controlling everyone and everything. If you disagree with a liberal then, they will do their level best to bully you, insult you, demonize you, and disenfranchise you. Suddenly, you will find yourself labeled as a racist, misogynist, something/phobic, Nazi. You might even get assaulted if you go out in public.
When they sponsor a bill it often is given a name that is the opposite of what it actually does, If they say they want to do something they often accomplish the opposite, and if they blame someone else it is often because they are the one's guilty of the crime. The hypocrisy of the left is often blatant obvious and putrid, but when you point it out to them they don't even care. They don't care if what they did is a hundred times worse than whatever falsehood they are accusing the right of they just double down and keep acting like a jack ass. (Well I guess that isn't surprising. Their symbol is a jack ass after all.)
Furthermore, they are masters of smearing their opponents. No matter how altruistic some goal of the right may be the left will find a way to spin it in a negative way. No matter how good of a candidate that a person may be, the left will find a way to destroy their reputation. It is disgusting to watch and disheartening to watch the public fall for it time and time again. The question is how can the right take back control of the conversation?