On the reality TV show Celebrity Big Brother UK singer Ginuwine was sexually harassed by a fellow contestant. The public out cry wasn't against the perpetrator though, rather it was against the victim.
I am not a fan of the big brother series, and I haven't watched Celebrity Big Brother UK, but apparently there is a big controversy brewing over the show. The whole thing started between an R & B singer named Ginuwine (famous for his music in the late 90's and early 2000's) and India Willoughby (a Transvestite journalist).
India was had the hots for Ginuwine, but the singer wasn't interested. So she tried to force herself on him.
Apparently Willoughby became interested in Ginuwine and made a pass at him on the show. Ginuwine turned Willoughby down. Willoughby asked why and Ginuwine stated that he did not date transvestites only women. Willoughby then tried to force a kiss on Ginuwine who put up his hands up and backed away to prevent the unwanted sexual advance. Now Ginuwine is being humiliated in the court of public opinion via social media. There is a firestorm of people that are calling him Transphobic and Homophobic. He is being threatened and bullied by thousands of people online just because he said no to a proposition from a transvestite. So apparently it has now come down to this. If a homosexual or a transvestite wants to have sex with a heterosexual male then they had better do it or else. It doesn't matter if they want to or not because saying no makes you a bigot and some kind of phobic. Saying no to a Trans or homosexual could mean that you or I could be bullied, threatened, and humiliated. I find that unacceptable. What is this world coming to? Seriously, what is up with the double standards. I don't care if a person is male, female, black, white, purple, green, or what there orientation is. No one has a right to sexually harass someone else. That is what this was, sexual harassment, plain and simple. Ginuwine said no. Ginuwine said that he was not interested, and despite this fact Willoughby attempted to force a kiss on him. I don't care what his reasons are for not wanting to date this person. That is irrelevant. Everyone has a right to say no, and now because he did he is being ridiculed and humiliated on social media. If this is allowed to stand then it could very well start a very frightening trend. Imagine a world where straight people are forced to have sex with homosexuals and trans people against their will. Imagine that if you say no that you could get into some serious trouble. Perhaps a person could get charged with a hate crime just for saying no to sex. Perhaps a person could get sent to prison and or have heavy fines levied against them just because they don't want to have sex with a person. Is that the kind of world that you want to live in? Maybe your thinking that could never happen. Maybe you are thinking that is a huge leap to go from internet harassment to legal repercussions, but think about this. Would you have ever imagined so much controversy over a wedding cake? Look, at where this is going. Liberals are criminalizing getting your feelings hurt. It is getting to the point where offending someone, even if it is unintentional is dangerous.
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