South Africa has a long history of racial tension. They came under international criticism back in the 1970's for the Apartheid policies. Apartheid was a public policy of white supremacy and racial segregation.
The struggle against Apartheid continued for decades until finally it was brought to an end in 1994. Ending Apartheid did not end racial tensions in South Africa. The county has had a long struggle to find a way for it diverse peoples to coexist. Now it seems that instead of working towards coexistence, the government of South Africa is changing their constitution. They just voted to confiscate all property owned by whites without compensation.
Worse than the impending threat that the government is making every white person in South Africa homeless and destitute are the mysterious farm murders that have been happening with increasing regularity. The Rape, murder, and torture of South African farmers is occurring nearly everyday. The government claims that they do not have any connection to these murders, or knowledge of who is doing it. They are also doing nothing to investigate or stop these activities from happening. Some in the South African government are even saying some very frightening and hateful things that seem supportive of this murderous activity. Former president of the country Julius Malema was even caught singing a song called "Kill the Farmer."
So now that South Africa is going to cease all the property of white people in their county what is next? Will white genocide be their next step? If the growing trend of violence and rhetoric in South Africa is any indication of what the future may hold for these poor people, then the future of whites in SA is very bleak. Sadly the United States and Europe seem to be ignoring the plight of white farmers in South Africa.