You have probably heard some snowflake say "nazism is a right wing thing, they were fascists. Fascism is a right wing thing." BZZZ wrong.
The problem is they are taught that nonsense in school. So now you have a whole generation of people that don't really understand the left/right paradigm means as it applies to political ideology. Not knowing that has allowed them to be taught the fallacy that there is any significant difference between nazism and socialism.
To understand what the left and right means one has to understand where it came from in the first place. Basically there was a great political upheaval in France. Many French citizens wished to remain loyal to the king, but others wanted to replace the monarchy with a new type of government.
Many of these citizens went to town hall meetings to discuss their ideas, but what kept invariably happening was that the loyalists would end up fighting with the radicals. To keep the peace they began dividing the room up with the radicals on the left side of the room and the loyalists on the right. Eventually it just caught on. People all over the world started associating people who want to radically change their government with the left and those that want to maintain their existing government with the right.
Over time the concept grew. It came to encompass more than just government. It became about culture, traditions, and values. The idea of a moderate center evolved to encompass those who would seek compromises to make both sides happy.
Bearing that in mind you can see where the idea of left and right is actually very personal to each country. What is left and right in the United States does not mean the same as what is left and right in other countries.
So if you want to call someone a right wing extremist in the USA you would be calling them a monarchist. They might be an extreme Torrie (British crown loyalists from revolutionary war.) holdover that wants us to go back to being part of the British Empire as ridiculous as that sounds.
On the flip side in Germany Nazism would be on the right, and in Russia communism is on the right. It is a part of the unique culture and history that they have, a part that they have marginally rejected and moved on from realizing that it was a mistake. Germany is still a socialist country, and the communist party is still alive and well in Russia though they no longer control everything.
Has sexual harassment policy gone to far? Is it just another example of Political Correctness run amok? You decide.