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Liberal Extremist Shoots Republican After Facebook Confrontation

It started out as a disagreement on Facebook. Two men who live in the same Tampa, Fl neighborhood and who both attended the same school growing up, were having a political discussion on Facebook. The discussion grew heated, and ended in a bloody confrontation.

Brian Sebring is a Democrat, never Trumper, liberal extremist. His Facebook page is filled with never Trump memes, crazy conspiracy theories, rants about Russian Collusion, and violent rhetoric.

an example of a never trump meme from Brian Sebring's facebook page.

The Tampa police department has not released information about what started the argument between these two men. All that they have said is that the argument was a political disagreement on Facebook. Alex Stephens, a dog lover and a patriot, decided he had heard enough of Brian Sebring's extremist rhetoric so he unfriended him. Mr. Stephens thought that would be the end of it, but Mr. Stephens was wrong.

Brian Sebring decided that he was not going to be ignored so he armed himself with an AR-15 rifle, a Glock pistol, and he drove to Alex Stephens' house. He pulled up outside of Mr. Stephens' residence and began honking his horn repeatedly. When Mr. Stephens came out of his house to see what was going on Mr. Sebring climbed out of his car with the loaded AR15. Mr. Stephens did what any intelligent human being would have done at this point, he ran away. Mr. Sebring then made a cowardly attempt to shoot his unarmed victim in the back. He opened fire hitting Mr. Stephens in the thigh and buttocks. Mr. Stephens managed to escape despite his injuries having only his wits to protect him from the crazed lunatic that was hunting him just because he dared to disagree with his political view point.

Sebring left the scene and later turned himself into the police. He has been charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and carrying a concealed weapon. This is the story that main stream media is refusing to tell. In fact if you listen to the lame stream fake news media they would have you believe that it is Republicans that are violent extremists and crazed conspiracy theorists. It is obvious after so many mass shootings, violent attacks on Trump supporters, violent and destructive Antifa demonstrations, and threats made by libtarded celebrities that it is left wing extremists that are a threat to peaceful law abiding citizens.

Source: Tampa Bay Times

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