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Liberals Cause the Olympics Ratings to Sink to an All Time Low

If like me every 4 years you wait for all of the excitement of watching our Olympic athletes go for the gold then like me you may be very disappointed by what you have been seeing on networks airing the various competitions. In fact ratings this year are at an all time low, and I believe that it is for the same reason that professional sports like football have suffered massive ratings drops.

The thing is sports fans just want to watch sports. We don't want to have a bunch of liberal lunatic calling themselves "social justice warriors" shoving their beliefs down our throats against our will. Sports fans pay a lot of money to enjoy their favorite past times, and it is very unfair to them that networks have allowed the microphone to be held hostage by commentators more interested in pushing their liberal lunacy than in actually talking about the talented athlete in the middle of the screen.

Kim Jung Un's sister became the topic of commentators at the Olympics

Just for example the Olympics has become yet another platform for the non stop Trump hating witch hunt of liberal media. In one example Kim Jung Un's sister did not smile at Vice President Pence. Suddenly, she became the media darling with every news outlet singing her praises and going on and on about how much they hate the Vice President.

Think about it. Kim Jung Un is one of the cruelest dictators of this century and probably the last as well. He has committed mass genocide, torture, and any number of other atrocities against his own people. This regime has been at this for a very long time, and his sister is a part of it. She isn't some innocent bystander smiling while her brother tortures and murders people. Her hands are just as dirty as his are, and the media is trying to make it sound like she is just so wonderful compared to the horrible person that we have for a president and a vice president.

Adam Rippon has had a long standing feud with Vice President Pence over gay rights

Then we have athletes openly disrespecting our president and vice president when they are supposed to be representing our country in a foreign nation. We have yet another flag controversy where one athlete lost the coin toss over who gets to carry the flag and started accusing them of cheating the coin toss and being a bunch of racists.

Erin Hamlin won the coin toss picking her to carry the flag for opening ceremony. This sparked a controversy in which she was called a racist for winning the coin toss.

What ever happened to patriotic athletes that considered it to be an honor to represent our country against athletes who are also proudly and patriotically representing their own countries? What happened to just being able to turn on a sport and actually be able to listen to commentary about the sport instead of being forced to listen to political ideology?

If the networks continue to make this about pushing their ridiculous Liberal politics instead of just letting us enjoy our sports I think that they are going to continue to watch their ratings tank. For one thing we don't have to listen to them any more. Many people like myself have discovered that we can watch our chosen sports in streaming video without having to deal with "social justice warrior" commentary.

Let's face it, very few of us want to listen to that crap. Enough of it already. It is time to change the channel.

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