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Some Pro 2nd Amendment Supporters Say Its Time to Get Extreme

Extremist gun control advocates that want to confiscate everyone’s guns are losing their minds as some second amendment supporters suggest that it is high time that they get extreme as well. Second amendment supporters are suggesting that we should demand Republicans in congress repeal all previous gun control measures and institute full constitutional carry to all Americans. That is right they want a law that institutionalizes constitutional carry and stand your ground laws on a federal level. They want to render any state or city laws that restrict citizens access to the constitutional right to carry illegal. That means that people should be able to own and manufacture any type of firearms that they want; even machine guns and military weaponry. It means that if you want to buy a fully functional tank or a black hawk helicopter and you can afford it then you should be allowed to. The intent of the second amendment was that We the People would be on even ground with the government when it comes to firearms.

A pro 2nd amendment spokesman said, “To understand it one would need to read the federalist papers, which are free online. Specifically number 46. The intent is to have a population (MILITIA) that could stand its ground against a federal army.

And the ONLY WAY to do that is to ensure the population has access to same weapons. Of course cost effectiveness leaves the average American out of that equation, but, if I have the money to buy a f16 fighter jet, I damn better be able to park one in my driveway.”

The spokesman also had this to add. “I would like to go on record saying that nukes are not in this equation and should not be owned by anyone including the government”

So what do you think is this going to far? Pro 2nd Amendment people would say that confiscating weapons as a form of gun control is to extreme, but our society has devolved to a point where some states are doing just that and most citizens seem to be silent about that kind of left wing extremity. Perhaps two extremes don't make a moderate compromise. Only time will tell. What do you think will become of this?

Stormy Daniels was arrested. To learn more about how she let an undercover officer motor boat her bare breasts before fondling a female undercover officer click here.

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