Left wing extremists try to blame all the pollution in the world on the United States but it is time that we place the blame where it belongs and hold those countries accountable that are systematically destroying the world's oceans with garbage.
Many countries throughout the world do not utilize good sanitation practices, especially when disposing of their garbage. In many countries they just throw their garbage right into the river or worse the pick it up in garbage trucks and they dump it right into the river.
What happens to all of that garbage? Simple it flows out into the ocean. Day after day year after year tons and tons of garbage float right out into the ocean. It is so bad that there is now a huge float mass of swirling garbage twice the size of Texas that has been dubbed The Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Many experts are becoming concerned about the negative effects of all of that garbage on aquatic life, not to mention what is starting to do to beaches all over the world.
So just how bad is all of this floating trash for aquatic life?
So I ask you is the problem that Americans need to recycle more, or that they need to start cleaning up the ocean? I say no. I believe what we need to do is take steps to prevent the many countries that are dumping their trash into rivers from doing that any more. Maybe it is as simple as education. Maybe we need to do economic sanctions. I don't know what we need to do to stop them, but I do know that no amount of cleaning up the ocean is going to fix the problem if countries that don't care about the world keep pumping tons of garbage into the ocean. This is a problem that we should all be worried about.
To learn about a new enzyme scientists are developing that eats plastic click here.