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Slavocrats The True History of Democrats Keeping Blacks in Slavery

Updated: May 10, 2018

The nick name Slavocrats was coined by Abolitionists to describe Democrats. The Democrat party was the party of the Slavocracy, rich slave owners who had grown wealthy and powerful utilizing the labor of their slaves.

A pro slavery flyer produced by Democrats in 1837. Abolitionists were people who worked to get slavery legally abolished. The Abolitionist movement was a long struggle predating our nation's founding. Often Abolitionist were demonized and called names by Democrats. As they did in this flyer where they call Abolitionists tools of evil and fanatics. Sound familiar?

Democrats have for as long as I remember always accused Republicans of being racist haters who want to put black people "back in chains." (A quote from Joe Biden in 2012) Yet it is Democrats that are trying to destroy the lives and livelihood of Blacks that are daring to think for themselves, and to defy the Democrat liberal group think.

Kanye West has received criticism, threats, and insults for encouraging black people to think for themselves and for supporting president Trump.

Candace Owens is a conservative speaker who has come under fire for expressing views that oppose liberals.

To understand why, one needs to understand the history of the Democrat party and their opposition to the abolitionist movement. To learn about the abolitionist movement is to learn about the creation of the Republican Party, which was actually created with the purpose of abolishing slavery.

The Whig Party and The Democrat Party both defied public sentiment to free slaves. This resulted in the death of the Whig part and the creation of the Republican Party from antislavery candidates.

When Abraham Lincoln was elected president he was an outsider. He was also the first member of the Republican party elected president. It was a culmination of years of work by abolitionists who desired to have slavery abolished.

Abraham Lincoln 16th president of the United States.

The Emancipation proclamation struck a serious blow for freedom by outlawing slavery, but the struggle to end slavery didn't really end there. Southern Democrats still jealously guarded their power and to protect it they began enacting what has come to be called Jim Crow laws.

Jim Crow laws were eventually ended by the signing of the Civil Rights Act, but Democrats didn't stop trying to keep black people under their thumb. In fact that still goes on till this day.

From the beginning elitist Democrats have always been about maintaining a permanent underclass. That is why they still want to keep black people under their thumb, but they are also looking to replace black people with a new underclass, because they know the black community is starting to wake up and realize the truth. The way that they accomplish that is to create as many minority groups as possible and to keep the borders open so that they continue to import new voters to support and enrich them. Keeping people divided into groups that fight amongst themselves is how the elitists keep the underclass from noticing that they are being robbed. It is also how they keep people perpetually in poverty so that they can continue to exploit them. They understand the meaning of Patrick Henry's famous quote, "United we stand, divided we fall. Let us not split into factions which must destroy that union upon which our existence hangs." They have taken that concept reversed it and developed it into a strategy to keep people in a mental prison. They want people to identify themselves as anything and everything except American, because as long as we are fighting each other we cannot unite to challenge them.

Michael Moore compares Karl Marx to Jesus Christ and praises him.

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