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Thanos, The Most Powerful Liberal In The Galaxy

Writer's picture: CapitalismizawesomeCapitalismizawesome

Thanos with his Infinity Gantlet.

I'm just going to warn you, this article may have some spoilers for people who haven't seen the movie infinity wars yet. So here is the thing that I realized about Thanos about half way through the movie. Thanos is a liberal. Worse he is a liberal armed with the infinity gantlet which allows him to control the power of the infinity stones, the most destructive force in the galaxy.

Ok, I know that it is just a movie, but like many movies and stories this movie has some real life lessons to teach us. So maybe you are wondering why I have concluded that Thanos is a liberal. It has a lot more than him being a madman, which he is. It is more to do with what motivates him to destroy half of all life in the galaxy.

The Georgia guide stones which outlines a liberal plan to destroy most human life to avoid over population.

You see Thanos believes that the galaxy is suffering because of over population. It is his belief that in order to save the universe that he must kill half of all livings beings in said universe. He started out traveling from planet to planet with the greatest army in the galaxy where they would kill half the people on a conquered planet then move on to the next and do it again.

But traveling from planet to planet committing mass genocide wasn't doing it fast enough for Thanos. He is an impatient petty dictator, as well as being crazy. So Thanos acquires the infinity gantlet, a mystical device that makes a nuclear bomb look like a sling shot. Thanos like all liberals believes in his lunacy with extreme fanaticism. He cannot be reasoned with and he kills anyone that disagrees with him.

Thanos might be a fictional character but his belief that over population is a problem is not something just made up in a comic book. As crazy as this sounds liberals believe that sustainability and overpopulation are a global problem. All of this ties into the global warming myth in their eyes as well. Since people are allegedly the cause of global warming, what with us all running around farting on the planet, ergo over population is the problem.

So liberals like Thanos see killing a large portion of the population as the only solution. This idea isn't talked about to non liberals often because they know as soon as they suggest it the sane people of the world will require them to be the first to volunteer to go.

Liberal Democrats are really the No Choice party.

Here is the lesson that Thanos teaches us in infinity wars. We have to stop letting liberals become powerful. They are crazy, and when crazy people become powerful then they will abuse that power and all the sane people end up suffering or dying because of it. Elections have consequences, because they hand the reigns of power over to the people that get elected. That is why we the voters need to do our best to vet candidates before we elect them, and to vote people out when we find out that they are liberals.

To learn more about how Liberal Democrats are the party of No Choice click on the link below.

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