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The Religious Bigotry of Google

things that turn up in a google search for the word "Christian"

I recently did a story where I was showing that Google is clearly biased against conservatives in the way that they redirect search traffic towards liberal owned websites and away from conservative owned websites. On a whim I decided to punch in the words "Catholic Church". What I found was troubling. There search revealed almost exclusively information about recent scandals revolving around the Catholic church. So I decided today to punch in the word "Christian". Again I found that searching for "Christian" brought up a lot of information about Atheists and other negative information about Christians.

Google search for the words "Catholic Church."

This was in direct contrast to the findings for the exact same search on Duck Duck go, which does not bias its searches and only gives you the information that you ask for.

I decided to do similar searches for other religions to see if they received the same treatment that Christians do on Google. This is what I found when I searched the word "Islam". As you can see there is mostly information about the religion. There is very little negative information that turns up in the search in spite of the fact that Islam has been the subject of many headlines across the world recently.

Google search for "Islam"

I could do this for virtually every religion on the planet and I would just get information about the religion that I requested except for Christianity. Why is Christianity being singled out by Google search engines to receive a bunch of negative information every time that someone searches the topic? I suggest that it is because Google are anti-Christian bigots.

Now I must confess that I did take some of the images and slide things up a bit to remove unnecessary ads from the images, but I assure all the Google searches I depicted are the real results that I found when I searched the topics. I decided to shift gears a little and I searched "The Bible". Again the search was full of negative information about the Bible including an article that claims inaccurately that the Bible is more violent than the Quran.

Google search for "the Bible"

In contrast "The Quran" is treated much more respectfully by Google. It was the same for the Tipitaka (The buddhist holy book), , the Book of Mormon, and the Satanic Bible. Basically only the Bible out of many different holy texts from many different religions that I searched brought up a bunch of negative information about the text clearly showing Google's bigotry against the Judaeu/Christian faiths that both use this as their holy text.

The Quran the holy text of Islam

The Veda the holy text of Hinduism.

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