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Unvaccinated Illegal Aliens

Today I want to talk about the "mysterious" virus which the CDC is now saying has "mysteriously" infected 360 children since 2014. They claim that they do not know where this latest outbreak came from, and that they are doing everything that they can to stop it, everything that is except stopping the flow of illegal aliens that probably brought it here in the first place.

A painting depicting the black death that was brought into Europe from Asia. The plague lasted for decades and killed millions.

Some will of course deny what I am saying, but let's look at some facts.

1. Most illegal aliens that come to the US are unvaccinated.

2. We are seeing a resurgence in the US of many childhood diseases like measles and mumps that were previously almost wiped out by vaccination. Most of which are probably being brought here by illegal aliens. Many of these diseases while treatable can have serious lifelong debilitating complications for anyone that is infected.

3. We are seeing new diseases introduced into our country like Ebola, Zika, West Nile, and Flacid Myelitis.

4. We are finding that vaccinations are sometimes not protecting people from diseases like measles and mumps as new strains are forming.

5. This is placing an unnecessary risk on our nation that could potentially allow a dangerous plague to come in.

A Cholera epidemic in Haiti. Cholera is caused by poor sanitation as it is transmitted through fecal matter. The disease is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths.

This is a valid concern. If you look at history you will find that some of the worse plagues like the plague of Justinian, the Black plague, the Spanish flu, or the smallpox outbreak of Japan were started because they were imported. Countless millions of people have died because of diseases like Typhus, Small Pox, various strains of the Flu, Yellow Fever, Cholera, etc. Often when we look at what happened we find out that a ship sailed in and some of the sailors were infected with something, or a group of immigrants travelled there bringing some infected people with them from where ever they came from.

Typhus is a disease spread by lice, ticks and other parasitic insects that bite and suck blood. It has killed millions of people throughout the centuries.

With modern medicine under controlled circumstances the spread of disease can be minimized and the infected can be treated. With open borders that allow just anyone to come here there is no control. We are being flooded with people that come from countries where diseases that are almost nonexistent in the US are commonplace. Often they come from countries that have no sanitation and their people are not educated about good hygiene. That means that our citizens have no immune resistance to some of these diseases, our medical practitioners have no experience identifying and treating some of these illnesses, and we have little or no supplies to treat them. All of that put together and you have a potential recipe for disaster that no one is willing to discuss.

Map of San Francisco to help citizens avoid poop which is littering the streets.

Do you still think this isn't a problem? Well, let's take a look at San Francisco. San Francisco has such a large population of illegals that come from countries where they are used to having no sanitation. There are so many of them that people pooping in the streets has become a common practice. San Francisco is one of those sanctuary cities that is actively defying Federal immigration laws. They have such a huge sanitation and hygiene problem that they are providing citizens with maps to help them avoid the poop that is literally littering the streets.

Human poop has been proven to transmit a number of infectious diseases including cholera, typhoid, infectious hepatitis, polio, cryptosporidiosis, and ascariasis. It is also known to pollute waterways. Undernutrition, pneumonia, worm infestations, are associated with waste water, poor sanitation and bad hygiene resulting in reduced physical growth, weakened physical fitness and impaired cognitive function, particularly for children under the age of five.

Infectious disease is not the only risk associated with poop and waste water. Heavy metals, toxic organic and inorganic substances can also be harmful to the environment as they end up washed into streams and oceans by the rain.

Liberal extremist have turned San Francisco into a homeless slum where the people dump their human waste right onto the street.

So this isn't just a matter of unvaccinated illegal aliens. This is a matter of large numbers of people who are uneducated and used to living in an unsanitary environment bringing their lifestyle here. If this is allowed to continue then a city like San Francisco could easily become ground zero for the next huge epidemic. We need to get this under control before people start dying or they do severe damage to the environment. This is serious.

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