One of the biggest struggles facing the United States today is the struggle between Liberals and Conservatives. What does that mean exactly? Basically it is the struggle between those that want to turn this into a socialist country and those that want it to remain a free nation as dictated by the US Constitution which was created by our founders.
To see what socialism does all one needs to do is look at Venezuela and see what is happening there. Venezuela was once a very rich nation which large amounts of oil, and a great quality of life. Then socialism took over and it has literally become hell on earth. Observe the video below.
It is absolutely stunning the transformation that has happened in Venezuela. This once prosperous thriving country is now a real shit hole.
Violence and Chaos rule the day in Venezuela!
Critics say that could never happen here.
One of the biggest struggles facing the United States today is the struggle between Liberals and Conservatives. What does that mean exactly? Basically it is the struggle between those that want to turn this into a socialist country and those that want it to remain a free nation as dictated by the US Constitution which was created by our founders. To see what socialism does all one needs to do is look at Venezuela and see what is happening there. Venezuela was once a very rich nation which large amounts of oil, and a great quality of life. Then socialism took over and it has literally become hell on earth. Observe the video below. So critics in the United States say that would never happen here. They say that we will somehow get better results than all of these other countries that have had their economies destroyed by socialism. The United States has a long history of resisting the call of socialism. Through out the years known as The Cold War we had an extreme example in the USSR of just how bad that socialism could become. Attempts to socialize the USA have met with tepid results. Knowing that socialism leads into the dictatorship of communism has made Americans cautious of anything that threatens our freedoms. In recent years though socialism seems to be growing in popularity with the younger generations.Perhaps the fall of the USSR has faded in people's memory enough that Americans have begun to lose that sense of caution. Or maybe there is some other factor at play that is allowing socialism to grow more popular. Either way the struggle will continue on as though who wish to remain a free nation work against those who wish to take those freedoms away.
To lose to Liberals could mean eventually allowing our own country to become the next USSR or the next Venezuela. In the very least it would mean a fundamental change in our country's culture, economy, and quality of life. Just look at the homeless situation in states that are controlled by liberals like California and New York. Under the control of these socialist regimes the divide between the wealthy and the poor only grows wider. The middle class is being destroyed and the homeless population grows larger every day. People are so brainwashed as to blame this on Capitalism when this is happening in socialist states. Very foolish.