The Democrat National Committee (DNC) recently filed a lawsuit against Wikileaks for revealing how the DNC rigged the Democratic primaries cheating Bernie Sanders out of an opportunity to run for President. Wikileaks not to be intimidated filed a countersuit. Julian Assange released this statement.
"We've never lost a publishing case and discovery is going to be amazing fun." Along with their official statement wikileaks posted this link where people can now donate to their legal fund to help them with their legal expenses.
Discovery is a legal process where one party can obtain information from the opposing party relevant to the case. Basically, the DNC has just opened themselves up to being legally required to share previously secret information with their legal opponents.
Donald Trump who was also named in the lawsuit has also displayed interest in the information that must now be provided in discovery. It would seem that this move by the DNC may have been very ill conceived and will back fire on them big time.
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Democrats have become a party of criminals. They seem to care more about illegal aliens, and felons than they do about law abiding citizens. In fact every time a mass shooting happens they try to pass laws that punish law abiding citizens. Mean while they want to give free hand outs to criminals. To learn more click the link below.
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