The longer the witch hunt against Trump continues the more depths of depravity are exposed. Recently we have learned that the DOJ allegedly planted an informant inside of the Trump campaign to spy on him while he was running for election at the behest of the Obama administration. Some people theorize that this person may have been Carter Page, because he was the one named in the original FISA warrant used to wire tap the Trump campaign. Suspiciously even though Carter Page was the first one named and the first one investigated he was never charged with anything himself. Information obtained by listening in on his conversations was used as a springboard to investigate everyone that he was connected to.
This witch hunt is sets a frightening precedent. The idea that the DOJ, a group of people that were never elected to be in charge, can investigate anyone, even the a person elected to be President of the United States, without limits or oversight has shown us abuses in power never before seen in this country.
Here is the thing. We know from the many scandals of the Obama Administration that Obama was more than willing to abuse the powers of government against political opponents. Remember the IRS scandal where the tea party and other patriots were targeted, that just culminated in a lawsuit where targeted tea party members were awarded millions of dollars by the way. Or how about when Obama targeted news agencies that exposed his scandals? How about the political targeting of Sheriff Arpaio who was just recently pardoned?
The point is this, I believe that we are just seeing the tip of the ice berg. Who knows who else that the Obama administration targeted? The more of this stuff gets exposed the more the public is becoming aware just how out of control the former administration was. They are also becoming hyper aware of the double standards applied to liberals and conservatives in all of this. The only remedy here is total transparency. We the People no longer trust our government. How many other politicians had their campaigns targeted? How many other campaign were sabotaged by the DOJ?
To learn more about Sheriff Arpaio check the link below.