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The Big Red Wave Is Coming !!!!!!

The Lame Stream fake news media keeps pushing their fake polls and prediction of a big blue wave in the coming mid terms, but I think...

The National 2nd Amendment March

President Trump promises to rebuild American infrastructure. To learn more click below.

I Am The Majority

This is probably one of the best speeches I have ever seen. This man should run for congress. I really love the line about law abiding...

The Rising Death Toll of Radical Feminism

It is the elephant in the middle of the room that no one wants to talk about. Nearly 80% of suicides in America are committed by men, but...

Girl Says Why She Doesn't Like Femisism

The Rising Death toll of radical feminism. Radical Feminism isn't harmless, nor are all feminists radicals. Radicals are pushing the...

Kennedys Want to Squash Chappaquiddick

Chappachiddick Island is a popular vacation spot in Maryland. Maybe you have heard of Martha's Vineyard. This island is famous for more...

Democrats Collude With Mexico

Have you ever wondered why Democrats resist every effort to stop voter fraud, stope voter identification laws, reform immigration laws,...

Facebook Police

Read this article to learn more about Facebook and their censorship policies.

Food Stamp Recipients Has Dropped by 2 Million

In just one years time the number of people using food stamps has been reduced by 2 million people. Why aren't the main stream media...

Building Begins on the Southern Border Wall

Despite what all the naysayers had to say President Donald J. Trump is delivering again on one of his signature campaign promises. He...


Read this article for more information about Facebook Censorship.

Is White Genocide Happening in South Africa?

South Africa has a long history of racial tension. They came under international criticism back in the 1970's for the Apartheid policies....

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