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Illinois Democrats Pass Huge Tax Increase

Illinois in response to a massive 37 billion dollar budget increased on May 23rd made a series of tax hikes that they estimate will bring...

Mueller Has Gone Antigonish

Antigonish [I met a man who wasn’t there] Hughes Mearns Yesterday, upon the stair, I met a man who wasn’t there He wasn’t there again...

Witch Hunt Against Trump Just The Tip Of The Iceberg

The longer the witch hunt against Trump continues the more depths of depravity are exposed. Recently we have learned that the DOJ...

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Pardoned By Trump

Senator Flake opposed the President's decision preferring that Sheriff Arpaio get sent to prison. President Trump just pardoned Sheriff...

Thanos, The Most Powerful Liberal In The Galaxy

I'm just going to warn you, this article may have some spoilers for people who haven't seen the movie infinity wars yet. So here is the...

Michael Moore Compares Karl Marx to Jesus Christ

Michael Moore has always been a confused and troubled individual. Maybe it is because he has embraced the lunacy of Communism. But when...

Situation on the Southern Border Spins Out of Control

You've been hearing about it for weeks. Well now the caravan of illegal immigrants has arrived on our doorstep and is forcing their way...

Donald Trump Advocates Term Limits For Congress

Sign the petition:

Kanye West Has His Twitter Account Suspended

A black man is having his free speech censored for talking about freedom and people's right to think for themselves. Kanye West has been...

Political Correctness is the Worse Kind of Bigotry

Political correctness is the worse kind of discrimination and bigotry. When a white supremacist, a homosexual hater, or a religious...

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