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The Sad State of Trump Hating Late Night Comedy

Whether you are talking about network or cable television one thing has become synonymous of late night comedy. None of these shows are...

White House Correspondents Dinner Turns Ugly

Comedian Michelle Wolf of "The Daily Show" Hosted this years White House Correspondents Dinner, which President Donald Trump declined to...

Let's Get Back To Honest Journalism

"The critical importance of honest journalism and a free flowing, respectful national conversation needs to be had in our country. But it...

Starbucks Truck Busted For Carrying 126 Pounds of Meth

source Komo News Authorities in Lewis County...

Democrats Solicit Children During School Hours

Friday 04/27/18 a concerned parent intercepted this text message that was sent to their child's cell phone. This was sent during school...

Daring to Leave The Democrats

Democrats like to claim that they are champions for the rights of minorities, but whenever Black people decide to stray from the party...

Wikileaks Files Countersuit Against the DNC

The Democrat National Committee (DNC) recently filed a lawsuit against Wikileaks for revealing how the DNC rigged the Democratic...

FBI Clears Flynn The House of Cards is Falling

After the FBI intercepted messages between General Flynn and the Russian Ambassador to the US it sparked and investigation that has...

Five Countries That Are Polluting the World's Oceans

When assigning blame for the world's pollution problems left wing extremist like to blame the US. In my opinion that just doesn't make...

Missouri Has Almost No Illegal Aliens

Did you know that Missouri has no illegals? Shouldn't the other states do the same? Missouri's approach to the problem of illegal...

Rivers of Garbage Dump Tons of Trash Into the Ocean Left wing extremists try to blame all the pollution in the world on the United States but it is time that...

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